
Conozca a las mujeres que contribuyen en la investigación y la ciencia para el desarrollo de vacunas colombianas

Conozca a las mujeres que contribuyen en la investigación y la ciencia para el desarrollo de vacunas colombianas

  • El 51% de VaxThera está compuesto por mujeres, ocupando roles directivos, de investigación y desarrollo de biológicos en el país.
  • La compañía finalizará la primera fase de la construcción de su planta, con la capacidad de producir más de 100 millones de vacunas al año y generar más de 500 nuevos empleos calificados en los próximos cinco años.

Marzo 7 – 2024 – Según la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura – UNESCO – el porcentaje medio mundial de mujeres investigadoras es del 33%, mientras que en Colombia este indicador es del 38%. A pesar de que unas de las áreas con mayor participación en la investigación son las matemáticas y la física, otras como la bioquímica y la biotecnología han cobrado fuerza durante los últimos años en el país, principalmente para el desarrollo de productos biotecnológicos y medicamentos.

América Latina y el Caribe cuenta con más de 662 millones de habitantes, una densidad poblacional significativa, teniendo en cuenta que solo cuatro países de la región tienen la capacidad de desarrollar productos biotecnológicos – Brasil, México, Argentina y Cuba – para la inmunización de la región. Como respuesta a este desafío nació VaxThera, la compañía colombiana de biotecnología que fomentará la investigación, el desarrollo y la producción de vacunas y biológicos para responder ante futuras pandemias. Con el funcionamiento de su laboratorio y operación de su planta de producción y envasado, se contribuirá en la independencia sanitaria, en la reindustrialización del sector salud, se fomentará el conocimiento científico nacional y se fortalecerá la diversidad e inclusión, gracias al potencial latinoamericano y colombiano de investigación.

El 51% de los colaboradores de la compañía son mujeres, quienes contribuyen en la investigación, desarrollo científico, operación y articulación con entidades nacionales e internacionales para hacer realidad la producción de biológicos con sello nacional. “Desde el inicio de la compañía, hemos creído en el liderazgo femenino, que indiscutiblemente ha promovido que crezcamos, nos afiancemos y evolucionemos. Es emocionante saber que tres años después del lanzamiento de VaxThera más de la mitad de los colaboradores son mujeres, quienes han demostrado su conocimiento, esfuerzo y compromiso para hacer realidad un proyecto que llenará de orgullo a todos los colombianos y que será referente en toda la región”, comenta Jorge Emilio Osorio, CEO de VaxThera.

Algunas de las mujeres que contribuyen, desde un enfoque multidisciplinario, en el desarrollo de vacunas para la soberanía sanitaria y el fortalecimiento de las capacidades nacionales ante enfermedades infecciosas emergentes son:

Madelyn Gutiérrez incursionó en el mundo de la investigación clínica desde los comienzos de su carrera profesional. Es psicóloga de la Universidad de Antioquia, con una maestría en Gerencia de Proyectos de la Universidad del Mar. Ha gerenciado estudios clínicos en distintos centros de investigación y compañías farmacéuticas nacionales y e internacionales como el Grupo de Neurociencias de Antioquia, el centro de ensayos clínicos del instituto de cáncer de la Universidad de Standford y Genentech-Roche. Actualmente se desempeña como directora de operaciones clínicas en VaxThera. Según Gutiérrez, “Colombia está recobrando su capacidad de producir vacunas, con el propósito superior de salvar vidas y fomentar en el país un ecosistema de desarrollo clínico competitivo basado en la ciencia y la investigación nacional”.

La pasión que Natalia Muñoz tiene por la ciencia es evidente. Bajo su liderazgo actual en la dirección de proyectos especiales se realiza el diseño de productos y servicios innovadores para atender las necesidades de salud pública y mantener la organización a la vanguardia de los cambios en el panorama científico y empresarial. Natalia es profesional en Microbiología y Bioanálisis, con Maestría en Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas y PhD en Ciencias Biológicas. Sobre su experiencia de hacer parte de VaxThera, menciona que “vivir el propósito superior de una compañía como VaxThera es profundamente movilizador, es esa posibilidad de sentir que hacemos parte de la reivindicación de Colombia como un país que se adapta a los cambios, crea soluciones a partir de la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación, y está dispuesto a crear capacidades locales con su gente. Es una inmensa responsabilidad, pero también un orgullo hacer parte de esta parte de la historia”.

Por su parte, Elizabeth Graciano es microbióloga y bioanalista de la Universidad de Antioquia, es magíster en Ciencias de la Universidade de São Paulo y cuenta con una maestría en Vacunología y Desarrollo de Medicamentos en la Universidad de los Estudios de Siena. “Es fundamental que desde la academia se impulse la equidad de género para que más mujeres puedan encontrar en la investigación y la ciencia el propósito de salvar vidas. Colombia tiene el talento suficiente para ser epicentro del desarrollo científico en la región”, comenta Graciano.

Si bien la investigación y la ciencia son importantes, la visión legal es esencial para una industria altamente regulada y cuyo camino se está abriendo en el país con la producción de biológicos hechos en Colombia. Precisamente, este es el rol de Daniela Lopera, quien cuenta con una amplia experiencia en derecho comercial y financiero, además de liderar el desarrollo de patentes y propiedad intelectual de las vacunas que próximamente se realizarán en el país.

La creación de VaxThera se anunció en el año 2021 y desde entonces ha concentrado sus esfuerzos en promover el conocimiento y desarrollo científico, además de fortalecer alianzas con entidades públicas y privadas para hacer realidad el sueño de producir vacunas en el país. La compañía finalizará la primera fase de la construcción de su planta – ubicada en Rionegro, Antioquia – con la capacidad de producir más de 100 millones de vacunas al año y generar más de 500 nuevos empleos calificados en los próximos cinco años.

Información para prensa:

Eliana Siegert

VaxThera builds partnerships and infrastructure to export science and technology in vaccines and biologics

VaxThera builds partnerships and infrastructure to export science and technology in vaccines and biologics

  •  VaxThera, la empresa SURA experta en biotecnología inaugura en Medellín su sede para la investigación en vacunas y biológicos.

  • El laboratorio de 780 m2 contó con una inversión de aproximada de 4 millones de dólares, y está dotado con tecnologías de punta tales como mRNA y vectores virales para investigar métodos de producción de vacunas.

  • En el marco de la inauguración de su sede de investigación, VaxThera y el Instituto Butantan de Brasil, firman memorando de entendimiento de transferencia tecnológica bilateral para la producción de vacunas.

  • VaxThera, además de su laboratorio, está construyendo su planta de producción de vacunas y biológicos en Rionegro la cual tendrá capacidad de 100 millones de dosis anuales y que se espera esté en operaciones a mediados del 2024.

Junio 1 de 2023 – VaxThera, la empresa colombiana de biotecnología inaugura su sede de investigación de vacunas y biológicos en Medellín. Este espacio es un hito para la compañía y ratifica su compromiso con la creación de capacidades de infraestructura y conocimiento en investigación, desarrollo e innovación en el país.

Desde VaxThera venimos fortaleciendo nuestras capacidades en ciencia y tecnología para posicionar a Colombia como líder en la industria de la biotecnología y salud. Con la inauguración de nuestra sede de investigación y la alianza con el Instituto Butantan de Brasil que incluye temas de investigación, codesarrollos, transferencia tecnológica, entrenamiento y educación, reafirmamos nuestro compromiso de poner la ciencia al servicio de la vida de los colombianos, afirmó Jorge Emilio Osorio, presidente de VaxThera.

Gracias a la tecnología y la calidad de las instalaciones del laboratorio, VaxThera tendrá la posibilidad de realizar estudios de investigación rigurosos; diseñar, producir y validar candidatos vacunales; optimizar procesos de producción y generar vacunas y biológicos de alta calidad que serán utilizados en estudios preclínicos.

“Colombia es un país con un gran conocimiento científico, para nosotros es muy importante desarrollar este tipo alianza sur – sur que beneficien a toda la región y nos permitan contribuir a la salud pública de toda la región con vacunas de la mejor calidad”, menciona Esper Kallás, director de Instituto Butantan.

Actualmente, el equipo de investigadores de VaxThera está avanzando en el desarrollo de una vacuna universal contra COVID-19, la cual se encuentra en la fabricación de lotes clínicos. Asimismo, están desarrollando vacunas contra el Zika, chikunguña y fiebre amarilla gracias a una alianza con la Universidad de Wisconsin y la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación.


Con VaxThera, SURA cumple con su propósito de gestor de tendencias y riesgos aportando a la producción de biológicos en la región. “En Seguros SURA creemos en la importancia de la investigación, el desarrollo y la innovación al servicio de las personas. Con VaxThera, buscamos que Colombia se convierta en un jugador de peso en este campo y que el país cuente con sus propias capacidades en biotecnología, apuntándole a estrategias de prevención, mitigando futuras enfermedades e identificando de manera anticipada las problemáticas de nuestra región”, comentó Juan David Escobar, presidente de Seguros SURA.


Sobre VaxThera

VaxThera es una empresa colombiana centrada en ciencia, dedicada a la investigación y el desarrollo de biológicos para el mundo. La Compañía busca generar independencia sanitaria a partir de la investigación, el desarrollo y la innovación en materia de biotecnología y salud. VaxThera nace gracias a la articulación de SURA e investigadores mundialmente reconocidos en el campo de biotecnología y la salud humana. La Compañía está liderada por un equipo humano con más de 30 años de experiencia en la investigación y desarrollo de biológicos.


Sobre Butantan

El Instituto Butantan es el mayor productor de vacunas y sueros de América Latina y el principal productor de inmunobiológicos de Brasil. Referente mundial por eficiencia y calidad, es responsable de la mayoría de los sueros hiperinmunes utilizados en Brasil contra venenos de animales ponzoñosos, toxinas bacterianas y virus de la rabia. También representa un gran volumen de producción nacional de antígenos vacunales, produciendo el 100% de las vacunas contra el virus de la influenza utilizadas en la Campaña Nacional de Vacunación contra la Influenza en Brasil.

Información para prensa:

Eliana Siegert

Vaccines by time of life

Conozca las vacunas que deben aplicarse según el momento de la vida

  • En el marco de la 21ª Semana de Vacunación en las Américas y la 12ª Semana Mundial de Inmunización, conozca las vacunas que deben aplicarse en los diferentes momentos de la vida.

  • Seguros SURA y VaxThera, comprometidas con la promoción de la vacunación, se unen al propósito de instaurar un enfoque preventivo en el país y educar en torno al tema.

Medellín, 27 de abril del 2023. Con los avances científicos que se han desarrollado en los últimos años se ha hecho evidente que las vacunas salvan vidas. Al respecto, la Organización Panamericana de la Salud estimaba que de cumplirse con los objetivos de cobertura para la introducción y/o la utilización continua de únicamente 10 vacunas, se podrían evitar de 24 a 26 millones de futuras muertes en 94 países de bajos o medio-bajos recursos en el decenio de 2011-2020.

Bajo este panorama, con la conmemoración desde el 22 al 29 de abril de la 21ª Semana de Vacunación en las Américas y la 12ª Semana Mundial de Inmunización, se busca generar conciencia sobre la importancia de las vacunas y la necesidad de actuar de forma colectiva para el control de enfermedades.

Es relevante resaltar que en Colombia opera el Programa Ampliado de Inmunizaciones (PAI), definido por la OMS Y OPS como el resultado del esfuerzo conjunto de diferentes organismos, que busca lograr una cobertura universal de vacunación, con el fin de disminuir la morbilidad y la mortalidad causadas por enfermedades prevenibles con vacunas.

“A pesar de que existen retos en la región como lo señala el reciente informe de UNICEF, la adherencia de Colombia en el PAI es positiva y el país afortunadamente tiene una gran fortaleza en cuanto a la administración de vacunas para las diferentes poblaciones. Igualmente, debemos seguir fortaleciendo las redes de vacunación y concientizando a las personas de la importancia de esto en cualquier etapa de la vida” comentó Juan David Escobar, presidente de Seguros SURA.

En Colombia, el esquema de vacunación cuenta con 21 vacunas que protegen contra 26 enfermedades, las cuales son aplicadas de manera gratuita a las diferentes poblaciones residentes en todo el territorio nacional, discriminadas en: niños y niñas de cero a cinco años, niñas a partir de los 9 años, mujeres en edad fértil (MEF) de 10 a 49 años, gestantes, población susceptible para fiebre amarilla residente o viajera de 1 a 59 años, población adulta de 60 y más años.

“El propósito es continuar instaurando un enfoque preventivo y aumentando la cultura en torno a la vacunación. Cada vacuna representa una oportunidad de salvar una vida y es por ello que, desde VaxThera contribuimos no solo a la investigación, desarrollo y producción de vacunas, sino también a la visibilización de los esquemas indicados para las diferentes etapas de desarrollo, y a la administración de las dosis”, puntualiza Jorge Emilio Osorio, presidente de VaxThera.

Seguros SURA y VaxThera, también se encuentran trabajando en un Plan de Prevención de Enfermedades Inmunoprevenibles, en el que se involucra la nueva generación de vacunas y biológicos; nuevas estrategias de vacunación; digitalización de participantes y consolidación de bases de datos; educación en vacunas; progresión de la prevención, impactos y seguimiento en tiempo real; y minería de datos en salud.

De igual forma, la planta de producción de vacunas ubicada en Rionegro, Antioquia, continúa avanzando en su construcción, que planea terminar a finales de este año.

Acerca de Seguros SURA Colombia Con más de 78 años de experiencia, esta filial de Suramericana S.A. ofrece un amplio portafolio de soluciones de seguros y prestación de servicios que entregan bienestar y competitividad sostenibles a 14 millones de clientes en el país, por medio de la gestión de tendencias y riesgos. Sus líneas de negocio comprenden los segmentos de Vida y Generales, tanto de seguros voluntarios (Seguros SURA) como obligatorios (EPS SURA y ARL SURA). Su oferta de valor se complementa con la prestación de servicios en salud (IPS SURA), ayudas diagnósticas, así como con asesoría y asistencia técnica (Consultoría en Gestión de Riesgos). Es la Compañía líder del país en la industria aseguradora con 20.8% de participación de mercado al cierre de 2022. Por su parte, EPS SURA es líder con un 19.3% de participación en su sector.

Acerca de VaxThera
VaxThera es una empresa colombiana centrada en ciencia, dedicada a la investigación y el desarrollo de biológicos para el mundo. La Compañía busca generar independencia sanitaria a partir de la investigación, el desarrollo y la innovación en materia de biotecnología y salud. VaxThera nace gracias a la articulación de SURA e investigadores mundialmente reconocidos en el campo de biotecnología y la salud humana. La Compañía está liderada por un equipo humano con más de 30 años de experiencia en la investigación y desarrollo de biológicos.

Contactos de prensa:

Eliana Siegert


Seguros SURA took second place in ANDI’s innovation ranking, highlighting VaxThera as its biggest innovation during the past year

Seguros SURA took second place in ANDI’s innovation ranking, highlighting VaxThera as its biggest innovation during the past year

  • VaxThera, whose objective is to foster sanitary sovereignty in the country, is recognized as the most innovative new business in Seguros SURA in 2021.
  • SURA climbs eight positions in this measurement of Colombia’s National Association of Industrialists (Asociación Nacional de Empresarios) which rated 347 organizations.
  • VaxThera is making progress in its development of a vaccine against COVID -19 and other diseases that affect Latin America.

August 16, 2022. Colombia’s National Association of Industrialists (Asociación Nacional de Empresarios – ANDI) each year recognizes the efforts, work, and results in the area of innovation in the private sector and does this through its Business Innovation Ranking. In its sixth edition, SURA took second place as the country’s most innovative company, climbing eight positions compared to the measurements in 2021.

This recognition is the result of the creation of VaxThera as a new business to drive the country’s sanitary sovereignty. A new biotechnology company dedicated to the design, research, development, and production of vaccines and biologicals, whose objective is to contribute to Colombia’s and Latin America’s sanitary security and technological independence, with a projected investment of $54 million for its initial phase.

“VaxThera is a 100% Colombian, SURA company, focused on research, development, and innovation of vaccines and biologicals. We aim to become a leader in the country and the region in the area of biotechnology so that Colombia can become a hub for science and technology and a benchmark for Latin America”, said Jorge Emilio Osorio, CEO of VaxThera.

VaxThera’s creation was based on the fact that the Colombian vaccine market is 100% supplied by imported products that are obtained through the Pan-American Health Organization’s Revolving Fund. As a result of this reality, innovation is based on five premises:

  1. Pioneering business in the country: it is the first company focused on designing, developing, and producing vaccines for humans in the country .
  2. The company has several development platforms: it is a multiplatform company which initially includes two platforms for vaccine development: viral vector, and mRNA.

3. Pipeline for research and new knowledge creation: it focuses on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, and on other pathologies that require treatments that may be developed using the same platforms as vaccines, for example, cancer and other chronic diseases.

4. Aligned with the “prosumer” trend in vaccines: another differentiating factor intended to have Colombia go from simple consumer to producer.

5. Use of computer technology in production: this will make it possible to do modelling, simulation, characterization, and analysis of the behavior and genetics of different microorganisms and so identify molecular targets.

For more information, contact:
Eliana Siegert

Independence of Biologicals for Colombia: Why is it historically important?

Independence of Biologicals for Colombia: Why is it historically important?

  • VaxThera will guarantee the immediacy and prioritization of vaccines for Colombians by becoming independent in terms of biologicals.
  • The country has not produced new vaccines in over 20 years due to changes in international regulations.
  • Colombia will have an immediate vaccination response against COVID -19 variants.

Medellín, July 2022. Within the framework of Colombian Independence Day, the country is celebrating the first anniversary of VaxThera, a Colombian company owned by Seguros SURA, that is an expert on biotechnology, and will contribute to the country’s and the region’s independence in terms of vaccines and biologicals.

No vaccines have been produced in Colombia since 1998 and, although the Expanded Immunization Program (EIP) includes 21 vaccines to protect against 26 diseases, none of them is produced locally. The reason is the changes in international regulations that required changes to the existing vaccine production plants, which led to importing the vaccines instead of investing in the improvements.

Although vaccines have become important again after the impact of the COVID– 19, we cannot ignore the fact that immunization has improved the quality of life and decreased the rates of mortality in the community, saving up to three million lives per year, and has been the solution to epidemiological diseases that have plagued our society such as measles, smallpox, yellow fever, and dengue.

However, many Latin American countries, which have a population of about 650 million inhabitants, do not have enough capabilities to prevent that type of pathology and to become part of the vaccine production chain. This is the reason for the global uncertainty that arose from the recent pandemic and the tireless search for a vaccine.

It is worth noting that, although in Asian countries the vaccine was available since November 2020 for people over 16 years of age, the first lot only arrived in Colombia in mid-February 2021, with a vaccination program that prioritized the population by stages, but during some of those stages the vaccines were in short supply.

Why is local production important?
Local production helps the recovery of the domestic pharmaceutical industry. It also sets up a prioritized, efficient, and effective distribution for the entire country, access to public health is improved, and contributes to economic recovery due to the creation of jobs, the generation of resources from exporting the biologicals, and lower costs for those who distribute them.

VaxThera, as a Colombian company, is working with its own capabilities, collaborative networks, leading edge technology, and national and international experts who will reinforce the transfer of knowledge to achieve vaccine autonomy and thus be prepared for future pandemics.

“This initiative is a historical milestone in moving towards sanitary autonomy in Colombia and, additionally, we can become a benchmark for the industry around the world. Although the pandemic has affected us all in different ways, it has also enabled us to adapt to new social dynamics and take advantage of any opportunities to improve the economy of the country”, says Jorge Emilio Osorio, VaxThera’ s CEO.

How does VaxThera contribute to the country’s vaccine independence?
The company is in the process of getting an mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 through the Emergency Use Sanitary Authorization (Autorización Sanitaria de Uso de Emergencia – ASUE) filed with INVIMA. The purpose of this vaccine is to get an immunization period that lasts longer than current technologies, and improved efficacy against different COVID-19 variants.

“Colombia has a huge potential to take advantage of its biodiversity for pharmaceutical production, but it is important to continue strengthening the Colombian industry to improve our export capabilities and to create science and technology in Colombia for the world”, Osorio emphasizes.

In addition, the company is working on solutions to emerging tropical diseases that are frequent in some areas of Latin America, such as dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, influenza, and Zika.

This is how VaxThera is moving forward in its search for Colombia’s sanitary autonomy, and helping the national economy be more dynamic through innovation, development, and research, considering that, because it is a domestic company, the knowledge, the investment, and the resources produced, will remain in the country.

About VaxThera
VaxThera is a Colombian science-based company dedicated to research and development of biologicals for the world. The company aims to achieve sanitary independence through research, development, and innovation in biotechnology and health. The company was born from the articulation between SURA and world-class researchers in the areas of biotechnology and human health. 

Press information: 
Eliana Siegert

VaxThera and Gennova Biopharmaceuticals join efforts to strengthen their technological capabilities for developing vaccines and biologicals for Colombia and Latin America


VaxThera and Gennova Biopharmaceuticals join efforts to strengthen their technological capabilities for developing vaccines and biologicals for Colombia and Latin America

  • Gennova from India and the Colombian biotechnology company VaxThera have partnered to make mRNA technology vaccines and other biologicals available to the country.
  • This is the beginning of a long-term relationship intended to strengthen Colombia’s fill-and-finish capabilities and complete the transfer of technology necessary to reinforce the country’s local research, development and production of vaccines and biologicals.
  • This alliance will strengthen biotechnological capabilities for Colombia and the region.

June 10, 2022. COVID-19 has taught us that the world must be prepared for future pandemics. To protect people from emerging diseases and future pandemics, we must utilize all our human, technological, and logistical capabilities.

VaxThera, a Colombian biotechnology company backed by an investment from Seguros SURA, seeks to contribute to the independence of biologics and health security in Latin America through the research, development, and production of biologics. To achieve this objective, the company has entered a long-term alliance with Gennova Biopharmaceuticals Ltd., a biotechnology company headquartered in Pune, India, that develops, produces and commercializes vaccines and biologicals to treat potentially deadly diseases.

“One of the greatest advances from the pandemic was the use of the mRNA technology to rapidly develop safe and effective vaccines against COVID -19. Through this agreement, Colombia and the region will have access to leading-edge technology to meet this and future outbreaks and pandemics. This is an opportunity to create science and technology in Colombia”, says Jorge Osorio, VaxThera’s CEO.

The alliance between these two companies will make it possible, initially, for VaxThera to commercialize Gennova’s products in the country and the region and to pool efforts to strengthen the experience, update technologies, and manage resources in the country’s scientific fields.

“This agreement is of up-most importance as it will provide the opportunity to offer our vaccines and state-of-the-art biologics to Colombia and other Latin American countries. We know that by walking down this path, hand in hand with VaxThera, we will be able to reach and impact the lives of many people who need products of excellent quality to improve their quality of life”, says Sanjay Singh, Gennova´s CEO.   

This alliance between VaxThera and Gennova is aligned with the government’s goal of creating the capabilities for the future production of vaccines in the country and reaching the independence of biologics and health security in Latin America under high-quality standards and backed by rigorous studies.

About VaxThera
VaxThera is a science-focused Colombian company, dedicated to the research and development of biologicals for the world. The company’s aim is to create sanitary independence based on research, development, and innovation in the areas of biotechnology and health. VaxThera was established through the combination between SURA and globally recognized researchers in biotechnology and human health. The company is led by a team with over 30 years’ experience in biologicals research and development.

About Gennova
Gennova Biopharmaceuticals Ltd., headquartered in Pune, India, is a biotechnology company dedicated to the research, development, production, and commercialization of biotherapeutics to address life-threatening diseases across various indications. To find out more, visit

For more information: 
Eliana Siegert

World health Day: Vaccines DO Save Lives


World health Day: Vaccines DO Save Lives

  • VaxThera commemorates and Celebrates World Health Day by making the community aware of the importance of vaccines.
  • Safety, trust, and side effects of the vaccine against COVID – 19 are some of the issues that make the community apprehensive.
  • The Colombian company has been working on its own booster vaccine and will be able to produce other vaccines against future pandemics, thus making saving lives a priority.

Colombia, April 2022 – The lessons learned by society from the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 is a new meaning of health, and the responsibility shared by all humans for practices that promote community well-being. This is why, to celebrate World Health Day, VaxThera, a Seguros SURA company, an expert on research, development, and innovation of vaccines in biologicals seeks to create awareness among the Colombian population about the importance of booster shots so that the immunization plan can move forward in safety .

According to the Ministry of health, Colombia has 34,454,380 full vaccination schemes, which represent 60% of the population vaccinated as of March. The report of individuals who have received a booster dose is around 20%. In this respect, VaxThera emphasizes the importance of having the appropriate booster shots to combat COVID-19.

“There are people who still do not recognize the importance of the vaccine and they would rather not receive the shot. At VaxThera we are trying to create awareness about the safety and reliability of the vaccines, and we can assure people that the speed to develop vaccines has been achieved thanks to the tools and technologies provided by previous studies” says Jorge Osorio, president of VaxThera.

The company also emphasizes that, although the vaccines that have been developed against COVID – 19 have been working effectively, preventing deaths and hospitalizations, a decrease has been observed in the protection they provide as time goes by. This is why it is important to get the booster shots intended to improve the immune system’s ability to respond.

To provide access to accurate information about vaccines and clarify any unfounded comments about them, VaxThera underlines that when determining the efficacy of a vaccine, several key factors were analyzed such as possible undesired side effects, the appropriate way to control or treat such effects, and the response of the majority of the population to those adverse effects that might put their health in danger. It has been widely reported that certain reactions such as fever, malaise, muscle pain, and headaches are events that can take place after receiving any type of vaccine.

“On a day like today, which is World Health Day, we want to emphasize the importance of Colombia achieving sanitary independence in terms of vaccines and biologicals. That is exactly what we are looking for at VaxThera: having the capability to develop and produce our own vaccines and make the technological transfers that the country and the region need to be able to face future pandemics and to protect the population”, Osorio underscored.

Thus, this Colombian company is developing its own universal vaccine against COVID -19, which is currently in the preclinical phase, and is based on nonreplicating viral vector technologies, with which we expect to contribute to the sanitary security of the region.

In addition, VaxThera, to prepare itself for future pandemics, will have the capacity to produce and develop vaccines to complement the expanded immunization plan as well as other vaccines against dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, influenza, and Zika, to guarantee a fair, equitable, and autonomous health system that can respond immediately to emergency situations.

About VaxThera
VaxThera is a Colombian science-based company dedicated to research and development of biologicals for the world. The company aims to achieve sanitary independence through research, development, and innovation in biotechnology and health. The company was born from the articulation between SURA and world-class researchers in the areas of biotechnology and human health.

Contacto de prensa:
Eliana Siegert

Two women at the service of life

Mujeres VaxThera

Two women at the service of life

  • According to the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, less than 30% of researchers in the world are women
  • The pandemic enabled you women working in the health sector in Colombia and around the world to stand out for their research and leadership during that situation.

Medellín, March 8, 2022  – as part of the celebration of International Woman’s Day, and almost a month after the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we still feel the need to vindicate gender equality in professional and everyday life were recognizing women’s empowerment has been a challenge.

According to the Ministry of science, technology, and innovation, less than 30% of scientific researchers in the world are women, and in Colombia the representation is 38%. This is why over the past several years global organizations, women’s collectives, and different companies have made an effort to work for gender equality from different angles, including making the role of women in science more visible.

In addition, and with the arrival of COVID-19, looked to those who worked in science and health, and highlighted some of the women who stood out for mitigating the negative impacts of the pandemic. One such example is the Hungarian biochemist Katalin Karikó, which is not consider the “mother of the vaccine” against coronavirus for her research on messenger RNA in vaccines and treatments, which a decade ago did not have the financial backing of the regulators.

Colombia has not been an exception in this respect. The presence and leadership of women in areas in which they were not previously recognized as becoming more relevant. Thus, behind the consolidation of VaxThera, a company that is an expert in biotechnology, which will enable the production, importation, and commercialization of vaccines against infectious diseases in the country and the region, there are two benchmarks: Natalia Muñoz Durango and Leonor Hidalgo, women who have placed their lives at the service of health.

Natalia Muñoz Durango, as a professional Microbiologist, has worked in health and immunology and is currently the Clinical Tests and Regulatory Affairs Director for the company, where she leads the regulatory strategies for the research products developed by the company’s R&D Department. She holds a Master of Science degree in Basic Biomedical Sciences and a PhD in Biological Sciences. After working as an applications specialist in clinical research in various organizations in Colombia and in Chile. She came to VaxThera with the conviction that it is possible to build a safer and more equitable country on the basis of science.

Leonor Hidalgo Ciro, an Attorney with a master’s degree in political studies, is working as Innovation and Business Development Director. From her area of study, she is contributing to the sanitary security of the country and of Latin America. Her experience includes leading projects and policies in science, technology, and innovation, with ample experience as consultant in technological development for different organizations, such as the Ministry of Defense and Ruta N. At VaxThera, she is working to create opportunities for the company’s long-term sustainable growth and its introduction into new markets.

“We have a major challenge in Colombia in terms of transnational science. Our team consists of scientists and people from other disciplines, with many years experience among which we highlight passionate leaders, willing to contribute to the health sector” points out Natalia Muñoz. Leonor Hidalgo also says that “Furthermore, we are convinced of the importance of nurturing human talent to promote scientific work in order to contribute to more inclusive public health”.

The gender gap is not foreign to Seguros SURA’s new company. This is why, currently, three of the four directorates in the organization are led by women, plus we expect that, of the more than 500 jobs that the company will create in the country and our percentage will be filled by women from different specialties. The company will also establish business policies to promote social transformation in the creation of an egalitarian society.

According to the Ranking PAR 2019, in Colombia, 34% of the leadership and management positions in organizations are held by women. This shows the challenge that we still face in terms of gender equality. Natalia and Leonor stand out as leaders in one of the country’s most important projects of the past several years, which is developing a vaccine against COVID – 19 which is expected to be available in 2023 to look for independence in terms of biologicals and contribute to the sanitary security of the region.

About VaxThera
VaxThera is a Colombian science-based company dedicated to research and development of biologicals for the world. The company aims to achieve sanitary independence through research, development, and innovation in biotechnology and health. The company was born from the articulation between SURA and world-class researchers in the areas of biotechnology and human health.

Press contact:
Eliana Siegert

Construction work has begun to build the VaxThera plant, which will produce vaccines and biologicals for Colombia and the region

Planta de producción de vacunas y biológicos de VaxThera

Construction work has begun to build the VaxThera plant, which will produce vaccines and biologicals for Colombia and the region

Mesa principal evento inicio de obras planta VaxThera
  • Ivan Duque Marquez, President of Colombia, members of the National Government, and VaxThera´s CEO kicked off the construction of the plant that will produce vaccines for the country and Latin America.
  • Nearly 100 million doses per year will be produced at the new plant.
  • VaxThera will have state-of-the-art technologies including Fill-and-Finish capabilities, production blocks with multiple fabrication technologies, research and development centers, and other advanced systems.

Rionegro, February 02, 2022 – After more than 20 years without vaccines or biologicals being produced in the country, VaxThera, a Colombian company specializing in   biotechnology, began construction of its manufacturing plant in Rionegro, Antioquia.  Colombia will once again be in control of its own healthcare systems.

Thanks to the investment of 54 million dollars by Seguros SURA, VaxThera will have its own plant with the highest standards of technological quality for research, production, distribution and product packaging capacity. This will allow Colombia to face both existing and emerging diseases that may arise in the future.

This is a private sector initiative looking to solve one of the biggest challenges facing the country, which is to provide for the health and safety of the people in the region. For this reason, the construction of the plant will be carried out in two stages. The first will have ten thousand square meters that will house the fill and finish capabilities, potency and toxicity laboratories, storage centers, and service buildings. In the second stage, production blocks, the administrative block and the research and development unit will be integrated”, Jorge Emilio Osorio, CEO of VaxThera, stated.

In this production plant, not only will vaccines be developed to combat COVID-19, but also diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, influenza, and Zika. While this advancement progresses, agreements are being negotiated with the Colombian government and non-governmental alliances within various international organizations to strengthen VaxThera’s biotechnological capacity and knowledge transfer.

VaxThera has also developed a vaccine against COVID-19 called UNIVAX, which is designed to combat current and future variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and has shown excellent results in preclinical studies. “This will be an excellent booster vaccine and we hope to be in phase 1 and 2 clinical trials after the second half of the year,” said Dr. Osorio.

Iván Duque Márquez, President of Colombia said, “We are celebrating and recognizing the business team that has worked on this initiative. We needed to accelerate production and independence for the development of vaccines in the country and maintain sovereignty in terms of health security. Seeing this result, the production of this plant reflects the teamwork between the public and private sectors, in addition to the development of technology and innovation for life.”

VaxThera is going to provide us that first indication that it is possible to have a transformation of public health in Colombia, in which both the private sector and the government work together to ensure an inclusive public health system and essential protection for all Colombians”, expressed the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz Gómez during the event.

Details of the Production Plant

The design of the plant complies with the national and international regulations of good manufacturing practices (cGMP): INVIMA, FDA and EMA certifications. The plant will be in the municipality of Rionegro, Antioquia, on 35,000 m2 of land, of which 10,000 m2 is dedicated for the first phase of construction.

The Phase I facility will house the formulation and Fill-and-Finish production areas, along with ancillary functions including a potency and toxicity laboratory, a quality control and assurance laboratory, a storage center and warehouse, technical and employee service spaces, among others.  When complete, it is estimated this Phase I facility will produce 100 million doses of vaccine per year.

The future Phase II facility will expand on the formulation and Fill-and-Finish capabilities of Phase I, increasing production capacity to between 200 and 250 million doses per year through the development of a lyophilization (freeze-drying) center, as well as production capacity for pre-filled syringes and vials, and multiple other production technologies.

The construction of each phase will follow all ethical and environmental standards, including responsible waste management and other practices in favor of caring for the environment and the people surrounding this area. With this construction, VaxThera will generate more than 500 jobs in the region and will promote specialized skills and human talent in the country, turning Colombia into the epicenter of knowledge, development and innovation around the production of biologicals.

About VaxThera

VaxThera is a science-focused Colombian company dedicated to the research and development of biologics for the world. The company seeks to generate health independence through research, development and innovation in biotechnology and health. VaxThera was born thanks to the articulation of SURA*, and world-renowned researchers in the field of biotechnology and human health. The Company is led by a team with more than 30 years of experience in biological research and development.

*Suramericana S.A (SURA).  was founded in 1944 as a company dedicated to underwriting property insurance. Today, the company specializes not only in insurance solutions, but also in trends and risk management. It is the market leader in Colombia and has operations in El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Panama, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, México and Uruguay. In 2016, Suramericana S.A. consolidated its presence in Latin America, as a result of the acquisition of RSA (Royal & Sun Alliance) operations in Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Colombia. 

Through its subsidiaries in Colombia: Seguros SURA, ARL SURA y EPS SURA,the company offers P&C and life insurance, social security solutions, as well as specialized services in clinical laboratory, consulting services for risk management and health promoting entities.

Grupo SURA, its parent company, provides continuous support and holds 81.1% ownership. International reinsurer leader Munich Re. owns the remaining 18.9%. This ownership structure allows Suramericana S.A. to generate operating, commercial and financial synergies.

Press information:

Eliana Siegert

VaxThera to start construction of a vaccine production and Fill-and-finish plant in Colombia

VaxThera to start construction of a vaccine production and Fill-and-finish plant in Colombia

  • With a 35,000 m² plant located in the east of Antioquia and using the most advanced technology, VaxThera intends to guarantee sanitary security and independence of biologicals in Latin America.
  • Once it is operational, the plant will have, during his first phase, the capacity to produce up to 100 million vials per year.
  • VaxThera will have the ability to research and produce vaccines for emergent infectious diseases and to support the Expanded Immunization Plan.

September 20, 2021. VaxThera, a biotechnology company focused on research, development, and production of vaccines and other biologicals, has announced that its 35,000 m² production and bottling plant will be located in Rionegro, a municipality in the east of Antioquia. The plant will have the highest technological and human talent standards and will create over 500 jobs to support local and regional talent.

The plant’s location was decided after a detailed analysis carried out by a group of experts and consultants which considered the necessary conditions for the company’s operations. Construction is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2022 and begin operations in 2023.

“At VaxThera we keep advancing with our plan to set up a plant and a research and development laboratory in Colombia to develop vaccines for the prevention and treatment of emerging infectious diseases in the Latin American region and, thus, produce a significant impact on global health and ensure sanitary security and independence for biologicals in Latin America, by providing fair access for all ”, said Jorge Emilio Osorio, president of VaxThera.

The plant will have the capacity to produce up to 100 million vials a year. It also intends to import and commercialize vaccines and other types of biologicals into Colombia and Latin America, and transfer to the country the necessary technology to produce and develop these types of products, and thus contribute to the sanitary security of the country and the region.

VaxThera is currently negotiating technology transfer agreements with several international allies. This will enable the company to borrow and finish important vaccines for the vaccination program in Colombia and the region, following the highest applicable standards and rules, thus creating new capabilities in Latin America.

It is important to point out that this plant will follow the highest production standards, under the rules and regulations established for good manufacturing practices by the WHO, OMS, FDA, EMA, and INVIMA.

VaxThera will also have a 1700 m² laboratory to carry out research and development of new biologicals. The laboratory will be located in Salud SURA Industriales in Medellín, where some 25 researchers from the region will be working on the various stages of biologicals development.

The company has a projected investment of $54 million from Seguros SURA Colombia for the first phase, and the knowledge of a group of researchers led by Dr. Jorge Emilio Osorio Benítez, who has over 30 years experience in vaccine research and development.

About VaxThera
VaxThera is a Colombian science-based company dedicated to research and development of biologicals for the world. The company aims to achieve sanitary independence through research, development, and innovation in biotechnology and health. The company was born from the articulation between SURA and world-class researchers in the areas of biotechnology and human health.

About Jorge Emilio Osorio Benitez
President and founder of VaxThera. He is a Full Professor of the Pathobiological Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin ‑ Madison (United States). In addition, he holds Master and PhD degrees by the University of Wisconsin where he studied emerging viral diseases. He was a Co-Founder and Scientific Director of Inviragen, a biotechnology company that developed a new vaccine against dengue. He also developed vaccines against the chikungunya, the flu, rabies, plague, and many other emerging infectious diseases. He was also Vice President of Research and Vice President of Scientific Affairs at the Commercial Division of Vaccines in Takeda Pharmaceuticals. Additionally, his career in the industry has included Heska Corporation (Ft. Collins, CO), Merial LTD (Atenas, GA/Lyon, France) and Chiron-Powderject vaccines (Madison, WI). He has over 30 years experience in research and his h-index is 37, with over 150 publications in international journals, and 32 patents.

Contacto de prensa:
Eliana Siegert